Beit Iba, Shave Shomron, Sun 27.7.08, Afternoon

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Ruthie W.Z., Alix W. (reporting) Guests: Olga G., Inna
14:55 Shavei Shomron

We drive up and find the gate closed, but the soldier approaches us
and asks if we want to go through, then quickly adds, "no you can't
no one can".

15:30 Beit Iba

There are no vehicles in the queue to enter but some from the other
direction. They are checked and then passed

There are six detaineesinfo-icon.  When we asked about them, we were told by the
DCO that they are being checked. Some, we saw, were released after a
short time.

The lines are longer than usual, there seem to be a lot of people at
the checkpoint today. The `fast' lane is also long; the soldier is
working efficiently and the line moves quickly.

We are told by some Palestinians that they have authorizations to
pass early in the morning, 05:00 in order to be picked up by their
employer, but that the checkpoint isn't opened before 06:00 or 06:30,  
making them late and consequently having their pay reduced.

The men coming out from the turnstiles with belt, shoes, cells, keys
etc. in hand, stop at the side to put their belt and shoes on and
arrange themselves again. One of the female soldiers comes over and
with humiliating hand gestures and an aggressive rude manner hurries
the men along even before they have time to get themselves together.
She repeats this behavior every time she sees a few men there.

A porter carrying bundles of clothing is stopped and told by the
soldier that he cannot transport more than one bundle at a time,
when we asked the soldier why, the answer was "because".
