'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Sun 28.9.08, Afternoon
13:18 – As we arrive there are no vehicles on either side, there is a
slow flow of traffic, which passes the checkpoint with little
14:40 – There are no vehicles entering Tulkarm, but coming from
Tulkarm an endless line. The private vehicles are being passed
quickly, the taxis are stopped and looked into and sometimes asked
for IDs.
As we start to leave the CP, the commander approaches us and asks
Ruthie to see the photos she took. She told him she didn't take any
photographs and that there was nothing to see. He proceeded to tell
us that the CP is like a military post and it is forbidden to
photograph. We continue to tell him that there were no photographs
taken. He continues to say we are not allowed to photograph, we tell
him that we are allowed to, but that there were none taken today.
15:10 – A friendly greeting from the soldiers and a prompt opening of
the gate for us to enter A Ras
A Ras
15:15 – There is a long queue coming from Tulkarm, the commander
comes over to us to tell us that there was just a change of shifts,
and that the queue should disperse shortly. The soldiers are making
a short check of the each vehicle, they seem pleasant and efficient.