'Anin, Reihan, Thu 27.11.08, Afternoon

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Leah R. and Sima S.

Translation; Yael Bassis-Student

15.50 -Aaneen Checkpoint According to people, the checkpoint was opened on time. Three soldiers in a Hammer are in the vicinity of the checkpoint. About 30 Palestinians go through slowly! One of them, a resident of Aaneen requests that the gatesinfo-icon would open daily, even after the olive picking season, at least until the end of December. He explains that there is a great deal of work to be done, pruning dead branches, cleaning up the area etc. Lea speaks to the DCO regarding that, they promises to look into that.A tractor driver carrying plastic junk covered with blankets asks to cross. The soldiers send him back. He unloads the junk on the ground and drives through empty. Security....A person asks us to help him obtain a permit to get to his olive trees, right by the fence, and precisely for that reason he is denied passage and is unable to pick his own olives. Lea is dealing with  the DCO regarding that.

17;00-Rihan-Barta'a checkpoint
We arrived with bags of clothes for the Palestinians and were forced to pass them on to a Palestinian worker who subsequently  passed it on to the drivers enclosed area. Later S. arrived on site and told us that the checkpoints' management  gave an order allowing us to get down to the lower car park area.At the entrance to the the terminal from the Seam line zone side, we found tens of people waiting and that is despite the two operational posts and passage appeared streaming along.During our entire stay on site people came pouring in. Thursday.....
17:45 - We left.