Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Thu 2.10.08, Morning
Meytar CP
Although it is early prisoners' families are waiting for the buses to the prisons. They are quickly checked and allowed to pass. Among them we met a woman on a wheel chair who is taken by one of the workers in the CP and a small girl whose parents are both in prison.
Road 60
2 new blockades were seen, one in Arabe, and down another village, preventing the drive from the villages to the main road.
Due to the holiday the roads are empty, schools are closed. Pharmacy CP is deserted,. 2 soldiers and a Boarder Policeman are watching the empty Tel Rumaida CP.
We were told a funny story about those days in Hebron: Israeli soldiers found a group of Palestinian soldiers walking in the city. The Israeli soldiers, assuming they found terrorists, took them to their post. A quarrel was started between the two groups and only the DCO people succeeded to end the event.