Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Tarqumiya, Tue 28.10.08, Morning
It's foggy and rainy. At 06:40 there are no more workers. Today is not a visiting day at the prisons.
The Commodities Gate (mainly sand) opens at 07:00. Six drivers are already waiting on the Israeli side. Later, when we returned, the commodities gate was deserted.
Road 60
Children are going on the roadsides to school. A military jeep is parked at the entrance to Abada. The rest is routine - the pillboxes are manned and the traffic is flowing in both Durah Al Fawwar and The Sheep Junction. At Shuyuch Hebron (the Girls' School) we see again their peril at crossing the road on the way to school. They wave hello to us.
Road 35
Foggy and rainy all the time. Much more Palestinian vehicles are seen on the road. The Olive Crossing is open. At the Saddles Junction (Humanitarian CP) the pillbox is manned and the traffic flows; the same at the Halhul Bridge-Hebron and the Idnah-Tarqumiya Junctions.They are allowed to their plot. Ofra [MW] will try to help.
deserted. All 4000 workers crossed by 06:45. The CP opens at 04:30 and some of the workers wait from 02:30 for a place in the queue. But what did they tell us at the grocers': "much better than before".
Road 356, Road 317
All roadblocks are in place. The Eastern Bnei Na'im CP, Pnei Hever Junction is open and the pillbox is manned. At Zif Junction the CP is open. The people at the grocery say that the administrative police started going about Yata.
What has the army to hide? We got there. To Hebron, on the way as far as the Pharmacy CP all the children are walking to school. It seems that today an adult escorts each group of children. We saw the Pharmacy Junction but didn't stop because we were in a hurry to Tel Rumeidah, to see if things have changed since Golani left.
We hadn't crossed the Shuhada St. when policemen showed us a Closed Military Zone edict, valid until 22:00. Only residents are authorized to be there. No peace activists or tourists were anywhere to be seen. It felt like the calm preceding the storm and the heart contracts. We don't understand why the Palestinians must always pay the price? Why is it not the actual perpetrators? We spoke to the brigade spokeswoman and she told us that next time we come we won't be shown a Closed Military Zone edict. We'll wait and see