Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Sun 1.2.09, Afternoon
Dvora G., Dafna S. (reporting)
Wadi Nar
The site is upgraded from time to time: Arrows on the road; a traffic island.
8 soldiers, some from the military police some from the border police.
Most of the vehicles are checked -- many detained but documents are returned fairly expeditiously. One of the detainees
complains that sometimes it takes up to two hours until documents are returned, and that when we are there everything moves faster.

Two soldiers are horsing around strangely, giggling very strangely but at the same time checking is fast and efficient. We approached to ask about a group of detainees headed for Bethlehem, and one of the giggling soldiers sprang in panic towards us and demanded rudely that we return immediately to our place -- all the while cracking sunflower seeds -- and in reply to our question about the detainees said all was according to the rules, and again rudely told us to turn back.
The behaviour of the soldiers on this day was very strange.