'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Thu 12.3.09, Morning
The gate is closed behind an
iron bar. The soldiers are reluctant to open it. They call headquarters,
and then they ask for our I.D. cards.
At A-Ras there are no signs of
the roadblock, and there are no other gates within sight.
We are waiting for the gate to
open. Nobody seems to be in a hurry. Three soldiers come to open it.
The checkpoint is functioning
without any unnecessary delays. Heavy army equipment creating a lot
of noise and dust (tractors, a bulldozer with a fork cutting the rocks)
is working at full speed to construct the roadblock. Nobody intends
to evacuate the territories.
Vehicles with Israeli license-plates
enter the town and their permits are being checked. There are no lines
and the checking is quick.