'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Mon 9.3.09, Morning
- The Children’s
Gate – Jubara
There are few vehicles and a
lot of soldiers. People keep waiting. No effort is made to check quickly
and efficiently. Vehicles driving into the territories are being checked.
Every possible document is being examined. They also want to check our
There is no roadblock. We keep
driving towards Tulkarm under the bridge and to the garbage site. The
way is open and for the time being there is no sign of a roadblock being
constructed on another spot. We ask a cab driver and he confirms that
it is possible to go from Tulkarem to Qalqiliya only assing through
the checkpoint at Qalqiliya.
The no-entrance sign for Israelis
has been moved forwards far away from the roadblock. The work on the
road continues. According to the sergeant, who has been measuring, they
are going to add lanes at the roadblock.
There are no lines. At the exit
4-7 vehicles drive through quite fast. The soldiers ask questions and
sometimes they check the baggage.
We drive up the road to Sara,
which is still blocked. A short distance before the entrance to the
village there is an open yellow gate.
At the entrance there is a line
driving through without delay. There is no line at the exit.