Jalama, Reihan, Shaked, Sun 12.4.09, Afternoon
We drove Aya and her mother from Rambam Hospital - where she received her dialysis treatment - to Jalameh. We arrived there at 15:30. There was no activity at the checkpoint because of the closure, and we continued on to Shaked.
16:15 Shaked-Tura
A family passes through the checkpoint in the direction of the seamline zone: the father driving the car through and the mother walking through with two children. Other than that the checkpoint is empty. We left at 16:20.
16:30 Reihan Barta’a
There are a lot of cars and waiting taxis in the lower parking lot, but few people. At 16:45 workers begin to come out of the terminal in small groups. They tell us that the terminal is empty. People in the parking lot from A’anin tell us that agricultural permits are not being renewed and they cannot tend their olive groves, and bitterly complain that there is work to be done in the fields all year round and not just during the olive harvest. We agree with them, take their names and ID numbers and promise to try and help, and suggest that the people in A’anin get together and hire a lawyer to demand changes as the people in Tura did. Drivers complain they were fined NIS 250 by the Israeli police for not wearing a seat belt. They seem to want us to help with this as well, but we cannot pay their fines.
We left at 17:15.