Qalandiya checkpoint - children try to help support the family
- “How many more children in Gaza have to die?” an acquaintance asked.
- “No child anywhere has to die”, I answered.
- “God above sees and will settle the account”, said my interlocutor.
In these harsh times, in a hopeless reality with no livelihood nor horizon, more and more people stick to religion; having no source of authority or security, they turn their heads and hands up and believe that God will save them.
The looks of the brother and sister, and of the stranger who stopped next to them and looked at what they handed him - were gentle.
Working children are a common sight in the occupation regions, and every shekel means another piece of bread or glass of milk for the family children.
The brother and sister protect each other, offering Koran verses to the passersby.
Everyone knows that Koran verses are no goods for sale, so the children do not mention a sum of money, and every person is free to hand them as many small coins as they wish.
The information about the fate of Palestinians incarcerated by Israel is worrisome.
For me, the fate of my friend Abdallah represents the tens of thousands of people who share his fate, and I always head for the area around Qalandiya Checkpoint, and spend time where the Tamimis’ fruit stand is located, learning more about his custody.
This time learned that Abdallah was kidnapped when he stopped for a routine check of his vehicle at Jab’a Checkpoint, that members of his family were with him, that he was taken out of the car, shackled in view of his wife and children, and taken away.
Since then, the last day of January 2024, all the family knows is that for over seven months Abdallah is in the Ofer jail, but they have no idea why and for how long.
It is of utmost importance to read the B’Tselem report: