Habla, Azzun Atma, Beit Amin - Opening hours changed

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Nina and Herzliya; Translator: Judith Green

Opening hours changed:

Habla checkpoint, 6:50-7:30

Azzun Atma checkpoint (Oranit), 6:00-6:20

Beit Amin checkpoint: 6:25-6:45

We arrived at 7:15 and the gate was already open, a lot of people went through.  We heard from the soldiers (only one male and one female soldier) that the opening hours had changed, as written above.  After, in the last few months, there had been a noticeable drop in the activity there, we were surprised at the crowd and the number of people going through.  Some of them said that they had not yet been vaccinated;  among them were also workers in the nurseries near the checkpoint.

The soldiers were very efficient;  without a computer, the passage was very quick.

After the closing of the checkpoint, we visited O.  He told us that they had invited him for a vaccination just now, from one minute to the next.  Of course, first they had vaccinated people with connections of all sorts.  He further said that, the previous day, the gate had been closed and it was impossible to open it.  Everyone was sent to the Eliyahu checkpoint - a complicated issue since many of them did not have a car.  We don't really know how they managed.  Afterward, he spoke in great detail about his father who is sick.