Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Ruthie T., Karin A., (Reporting and Photographer) Marcia L., Translation

05:40  Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint

There are many workers waiting for rides in the upper parking lot and many others leave the terminal quickly.

In the lower parking lot there are still a lot of parking places.  A short line of workers wait in line to the turnstile; it looks like the pace of the passage is fast.  A Palestinian approaches us and says that in the last week, about 200 workers who already passed through to work in Harish were returned because their permits were designated only for Barta’a.  Harish is in Israel and Barta`a in the seam zone (occupied area).  According to him, border police were stationed a checkpoint over there and returned all those who showed a permit that was not appropriate for passage to Israel.











A Palestinian of about 50 (above), a resident of Yabed, disabled because of multiple sclerosis, started to run an improvised coffee stand from his scooter.  Until he fell ill, he worked for 25 years as an engineer in Israel.  He finds it difficult to receive his weekly medicine and would be happy to receive treatment in Israel.

06:29  Tura Shaked Checkpoint
The soldiers are already there and the generator works.  At 06:37 the first one passes through.  About 20 people pass through without any special delay.  Cars are inspected quickly and pass to and from the Seamline Zone, while a wagon with a donkey and a wagon with a horse (and their owners) are inspected with unnecessary strictness.

By about 07:00, almost all had passed through and had boarded their transport or continued on their way by foot.  Ruthie showed me a large deep water dig, nearby, , which was full of garbage.