Masafer Yatta - attacks by settlers

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Michal; Translator: Natanya
מסאפר יטא - השחתת שקי שעורה ע"י מתהחלים
מסאפר יטא - מתנחלים יורים והורגים כבשים

We went to meet Nasser at Susiya. In the absence of a vehicle suitable for the stormy and muddy weather, we met at his house before he left in a vehicle suitable again for Masafer Yatta. He told what happened at the weekend.

According to him, the settlers from Mitzpe Yair came to Ma’in and Carmil (the Palestinian villages adjacent to the settlements with these names). According to the settlers, their sheep had been stolen and they came to look for them without the army or police.

They came with ATVs (private militias in the spirit of the State Security Commissioner).

Nasser says: We don't know if sheep were indeed stolen or if they were looking for an excuse to make a mess. After all, if this is a serious and genuine complaint, they could come with the army and police and search.

In this place they shot at a Palestinian vehicle between Fahith and Halawa. They killed 3 sheep and tore sacks of barley which is the food of the sheep.

To my question, what did people and the authorities do? Nasser explains:

At the request of the people, the Palestinian DCO spoke with the Israeli DCO. Its people said they would send people and they arrived on Thursday after many hours. The people of Markaz and Halawa also filed a complaint with the Hebron police....

Nasser says skeptically: Let's see if they do anything…

Two days before we came, the settlers came again to look for the stolen sheep in two vans and an ATV. They came with clubs.

This is what the damage looks like and this is what the rioters with the sticks look like.

In Susiya, we met young volunteers who belong to the Center for Jewish Non-violence Organization, CJNV. Most of them from the United States. It’s similar to the Italian organization Operation Dove. They live there in cycles of 3 months and accompany the shepherds and help as much as is requested.

On the way back we met a shepherd with his sheep, an acquaintance of ours from Zenuta, who talked about the settler from Havat Yehuda about whom we reported last week.

According to him, in the last few days, the settlers released their sheep on their sprouting fields and they eat everything.

Again the rainy and foggy weather and without a suitable vehicle did not allow us to get closer and try to see the settler and his exploits and we were content with the Palestinian report.

(The photographs I received from Nasser Nawaja’a from Susiya).