Etzion DCL

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Shlomit S. Ora A. Translation: Naomi Gal

10:45 a cold and rainy day. 
Despite the bad weather, the parking lot was full. The passengers rushed to the waiting area and were immediately let in.  A Palestinian worker and his Jewish employer came out and approached us. They said that the young man worked in Mevasseret cutting plasterboard. On his way back home they arrested him, checked his papers and belongings and found a Japanese knife used for cutting plaster. They swiftly turned him into GSS prevented for six months. The employer and the employee waited patiently for half a year, but at the end of the period the prevention was extended by another six months. Now finally, the period of prevention is over and he received an entry permit to Israel. But when he arrived at the checkpoint they refused to let him pass on the grounds that he is (still) GSS prevented. We advised them to wait a few days because maybe the cancellation of the prevention hasn’t yet reached the computers. 

A youngster approached us and said that his mother lives in Jerusalem and he wanted a permit to visit her in Jerusalem. His request was denied. At DCL they told him to contact the Palestinian DCL and the Palestinian DCL sent him back to the Israeli DCL. We spoke with Hannah from DCL. She checked and said that he is not GSS or police prevented and there is no reason for him not to get a permit. We advised him to return to the Palestinian DCL and if they won’t give him a permit to contact Hannah from DCL.  

Two people said they had work permits for Israel but suddenly their permits were taken away from them at the checkpoint and they became at once GSS prevented. We gave them the phone numbers of those handling GSS and police preventions. These numbers, and the phone number of a lawyer we gave as well to a young man who told us that his cousin bought a used Israeli car, drove on Route 60, was arrested and his car was confiscated.