Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Tsafrira Z. and Hannah H. (reporting), Marcia L. translation

The Delay in Opening the Checkpoint Harms the Palestinians’ Workday

15:45 – Tura-Shaked Checkpoint

At this hour, at the checkpoint called “the fabric of life”, workers coming back from work in the Seamline Zone are returning to their homes in the West Bank. They tell us that recently, the checkpoint has opened late, at 07:00 instead of 06:30. 

About 40 workers pass through to the Seamline Zone but yesterday, more passed through and the passage was very slow. Now, few vehicles pass in two directions, to the West Bank, and to the Seamline Zone. The passage is quick.  A woman and her four children return from Jenin, loaded with packages of food, and it is a shame that they need to cross the entire checkpoint on foot.

16:00 – Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint

Here too workers are returning to the West Bank from their work in Israel and the Seamline Zone, but the checkpoint is not crowded as it had been in the past.  Do fewer workers pass here to Israel in the morning?  Also, the kiosk in the middle of the sleeveinfo-icon (the fenced pass leading to and from the terminal) is not open today, as it usually is on all Thursday afternoons. 

Many students return for the weekend from the universities in Jenin and Shechem (Nablus) to the Seamline Zone and to Israel. Women from Barta’a, loaded with packages, return from shopping in Jenin.