Etzion DCL
10:30 there are many cars in the parking lot and many people in the waiting hall. According to the waiting people they have been waiting since 8.00AM, when the doors were opened. Yet no one has been let in. One of them said that a soldier told him they don’t let people in because of "a broken computer." We approached officer A. and he said that today, like on every Sunday, they start letting people in at 12.00. We realized that today is Monday, but because it's the first day after the holiday it is deemed as a Sunday. The large crowd of waiting people, more than forty men and women, accepted the situation. They all kept waiting. All hoped to get or renew, magnetic cards.
10:45 two women arrived who didn’t come for magnetic cards but for entry permits. They were let in immediately. A man who wanted to talk to a policeman was, as well, let in. He came out after a short while and said that he spent many years in prison for "activities in a hostile organization" and he came to ask for a document about his period of detention, for some years he was convicted, but for five and a half years he was held in administrative detention. The policeman, who treated him rudely and yelled at him, refused to give him a document about his administrative detention.
An older man, who works in a Jewish community in Gush Etzion for 20 years, said that one day he came to work and parked his car in the community’s area. When he returned to the car, he discovered they had cut all four tires. The community’s security officer and other people tried to help him to get compensation for the damage. They said that security cameras filmed the act and that he must submit a complaint at Etzion’s police station and that after it was submitted he will receive the money. He filed the complaint, but since then he runs from one police station to another and each station tells him they have no idea what he is talking about. We referred him to “Yesh Din”.
At 12:10 they began letting people in. The first numbers were let in. Meanwhile, more people arrived. They got numbers from 50 and up. At 14:00 we left a hall full of exhausted and desperate people. When we arrived at the Gush Etzion’s junction we passed among many people celebrating Isru of Pentecost and singing loudly: Fear No One! Many guards guarded them. It was easy to overcome fear.