Tura Checkpoint is Incredibly Filthy

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Ruti T. and Marina B. (Reporting) Marcia L., Translation

06:00 – Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint

We passed through to the Palestinian side.  The parking area is relatively clean and free of garbage.  We went to see the new toilets (no lavatory seat but the eastern style: kneeling position).

We saw that 4 turnstiles were working and everything flowed.  We went up to the Israeli side but not before the security inspected us and our car.  In the passage from the terminalwe ran into a security guard who requested to know who we were and when we told him, he yelled that our entire site was a big lie.  We continued to walk and saw that inside the terminal there are 4 stations working, but only one turnstile.  The passage was not crowded and therefore we didn’t observe any problem.

06:50 – Tura-Shaked Checkpoint

Tura Checkpoint was extraordinarily filthy.  The checkpoint was opened at 06:35 and people complained about the long time it takes to pass through the checkpoint.

07:30 – We left

We took two hitchhikers to Reihan and traveled home via Harish.