Barta`a checkpoint: the management denies

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Hagar Dror-Meliniak and Hannah Heller Trtanslation: Bracha Ben-Avraham

16.20 – 14.30 

A’anin Checkpoint, 14:30

People and tractors were slosly collecting next to the checkpoint to wait for the military policemen to open the gate.  Meanwhile the soldiers who were guarding the security fence walked around and talked to us and told the people to put out the campfire they had lit to keep warm.  

The checkpoint opened at 15:30 and people crossed. 

Barta’a Checkpoint, 15:00

It was still quiet and hagar took advanrage of the time to talk to Y., the vice-manager of the checkpoint  He explained that the idea of opening the checkpoint at 04:00 in the morning was still being discussed All 10 positions for examining cards and all four conveyer belts for examining packages were operating.  He felt that last week something had gone wrong that had caused crowded conditions, which was contradi contradictory to what we had heard from the workers and what was heard and photographed.   

The denial of what was going on in the mornings was also expressed in a letter that was written by thecrossings manager to the Ma’an Organization. And cited thousands of Palestinians who cross at Barta’a Checkpoint.  Their response is attached to this report in which they absolve themselves from responsibility.  Their letter reveals a lack of knowledge or concern about what is going on.

 Residents of the seamline zone were crossing with children in both directions.  At 16:00 more and more workers began to return to the West Bank from work.

 Tura Checkpoint – About 10 workers returned to the West Ban work in the seamline zone and Israel.  One of them told us that the checkpoint had only opened at 08:00 this morning   3 cars crossed from the West Bank to the seamline zone and crossing was very slow.


 Residents of the seamline zone  with children crossed in both directions, and at 16:00 more and more workers returned to the West bank.  One person told us that 55 days ago a member of his family was injured at work and was hospitalized in Rambam Hospital in Haifa.  He is due to undergo rehabilitation but the process is being delayed because of the insurance.   We gave him the number of the hotline for workers.