'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan
Hannah H., Leah R. (Reporting). Marcia L., Translation
05:45 Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint
In the Palestinian parking lot: There is a huge number of people hurrying to get to work. The double line is so long, it goesd across the road. Six inspection windows are operating inside the terminal. Hannah took a picture but a security guard came out and made sure that she erased the photo and stop photographing.
A man approached us and asked for help. He is an Israeli citizen; his wife does not have a permit to live in Israel and she lives in Jenin (west bank). In order to meet with her, he has to cross the Jalama checkpoint. He prefers to cross at the Barta’a checkpoint. We phone the DCO office ,which responded that it would not be possible for him (to cross at Barta’a).
06:30 Anin Checkpoint
Quiet. The checkpoint is closed. We phone the DCO office; there is no change in the opening times. They should open at 06:30. A white DCO van is parked inside the checkpoint, between the fences. Finally, the soldiers arrive at 07:00, as usual with no explanation. They open the gates immediately and the passage was fast. We counted 90 people, 8 children, and 8 tractors. four people were not permitted to pass through. Someone told us that the soldier said to one of them, “I don`t like your face.” Several women with small children passed through. Everyone smiles and says hello.
07:40 We leave.
08:00 At the request of the NGO The Road To Recovery/The Road To Peace, we are supposed to pick up a young woman who is traveling to Rambam Hospital for treatment, together with her father. They arrived late; the young woman was very pale. They told us that at Kalkilia checkpoint, they creaated problems for the two of them. The young woman and her father waited a long time to pass through.