The son isn’t permitted to cultivate the family's land and the za'atar crop has dried up

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Aviva K., Nina S.

Quiet and calm but there is a lot of commotion around, construction and progress of agriculture mainly along the fence that was moved. Endless new roads in the part where the settlers drive.

Falamiya gate 914 is supposed to open at 13:10 - near the gate we met an old man who complained that his son, who is married with a family, is not getting a license to go work his fields and he is no longer capable of anything, so all the za'atar (a culinary herb, Origanum Syriacum) he grew has dried up. We referred him to the team handling the Prevented.

The guava orchard near the checkpoint has been eliminated and there was a family that came to pick wild Mallow leaves to cook. At least nothing is wasted.

The checkpoint now has only one gate (there used to be a double gate) for cars and pedestrians. The gate for pedestrians has been canceled and blocked, and everything is full of concertina barbed wire to prevent crossing the fence.

It opened 10 minutes late and mostly tractors with agricultural equipment and za'atar and tangerines passed by.

The gate closes quickly after about 10 minutes when no one is waiting, and the soldiers continue to gather.

We drove there on the winding roads with the puddles and of course we arrived after the soldiers.

Jayyus checkpoint 935 - tractors with passengers and agricultural equipment passed. All around the blossoms are starting and everything is green, many sheep in the field that I have not seen before. And of course orchards and greenhouses. All the area that used to be beyond the fence, until it was moved by the Supreme Court decree, is now in active agricultural use and also has several new houses.