Etzion DCO: the center of civil control in the Palestinians

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שלומית ש', נתניה ג' (דיווח וצילום). תרגום שולי ב'

As we pulled into the lane leading up to the DCO,  I saw that on the sign  showing the direction was written  DCL. Checking it out , so as not to criticize if we  had not understood something and found: Disney Cruise Lines!! 

I sat next to an elderly lady and asked if she was there for a magnetic. She said no but when asked if there was a problem, she rose and sat as far from us as she could. Next time it is better to show the tag before asking questions. 

We saw our friend, the macher, and he told us that he also took people to the DCO in Qalandiya and that things were much better ordered there. We were also told that there are offices which fix appointments costs 70 shekel. 

Magnetics are given out on Monday and Wednesday.

A man who works in Beersheva was waiting for his son....ISA and , of course, the boy is a university student. He said that his firm  arranges his permit and that he was worked continually even since the war started.

A man from Bethlehem has a wife on the Mount of Olives. He has a souvenir shop in Bethlehem but is closing it. Maybe one of two buses of tourists a week. His wife luckily works in Jerusalem and the grandparents look after the kids.

We drove into Nashash and there was no checkpoint there. 

The new checkpoint is spick and span, contrary to its inhuman purpose. The apartheid park is full of religious families.

At the present checkpoint there is a sign saying that it is forbidden to get out of the car. We saw it too late to photograph it and had we stopped to do so we would probably have been shot.