Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hebron, South Hebron Hills
We went out on Friday morning. Only men and women soldiers were there. Checkpoints, checkpoints, fences of all sizes and heights.
A soldier at the new checkpoint of Tel Rumeida scratches in the belongings of all never mind of what gender or age. The place of the shooter, El'or Azaria.
Also at the Pharmacy checkpoint a woman and her son go through.
At the cave of the patriarchs men and women soldiers question us albeit politely and ask us to park in the parking lot.
Between the shop of 'Abed and the visitors centre of Gutnik many Jews park and enjoy themselves.
On road 60 at the entrance to Al fawwar there are many army vehicles and soldiers block the way. One can still feel tension there.
At the entrance to Samoa there is not a new yellow bar of course…before this was open.
On the whole all the blocked areas and checkpoints except for Fawwar are open.