'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Karin A., Leah R., (observers), J.H. (translation)

           5:50 Barta'a Riehan Checkpoint
On the Palestinian side we find a short line at the entrance which soon becomes longer. Many trucks are waiting to be examined, their drivers fast asleep in the front cabs. One wakes and tells us he’s been there since 1am.

A man selling coffee in the Palestinian parking long is told he must go. Order must be maintained! Operating a business on the premises without permission? The checkpoint authority prefers to look after the livelihood of the settler who runs a coffee stand in the upper part of the checkpoint. We try to understand why and who exactly minds a disabled man trying to make a living selling coffee for about a shekel per cup.

6:30 Anin Checkpoint
The checkpoint is already open when we arrive. We find the usual cast of characters: one man on a tractor, one without a work permit.

7:00 Tura-Shaked Checkpoint
A relatively large number of people passed through, as well as a few cars.

7:30 East Barta’a
We returned to the village because Karin wanted to talk with the owner of the marble factory which was destroyed by the Israeli military. He asks us: why was it necessary to destroy expensive equipment? How is it that there are people without a heart and without a soul (like in a few other places).


7:45 Shlomit asked us to pick up a sick girl and give her a ride to Rambam hospital, but it turned out she needed to go to Tel Hashomer hospital, so we drove her there.