Update during Corona: Jordan Valley - Total closure in the Occupied Territories

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Phone Report from Palestinian Jordan Valley Rina Tzur reporting

Phone Report from Palestinian Jordan Valley

In a phone call I now received from the Palestinian Jordan Valley I was informed that total closureinfo-icon has been declared over the Occupied Territories. This is a joint decision of the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli authorities, and 'security' forces of both sides will be enforcing it.

The order is valid for 14 days. Curfew on homes and communities. There will be checkpoints.

In cases of emergency the authorities should be approached.

Rumor has it that the supermarkets in the Palestinian town of Toubas are being stormed by shoppers tonight.

In the Palestinian Jordan Valley the major concern is economic. Most of the income that shepherds have comes from production and sale of cheese and meat. It is not evident whether everyone has enough food in store (flour, rice) for two weeks.

We might be called upon for help. Contact should be maintained.