Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Leah R. and Hana H. Marcia L., Translation


 The North,

05:55 – Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint

People leave the terminal and go up through the sleeveinfo-icon to the upper parking lot.  The buffet is filled with people who are trying to warm themselves with a cup of coffee and hot burekas.  Below, in the lower parking lot, there is no line and anyone who arrives enters the terminal quickly, in groups of 70-80 people.  One of the workers tells us that he got through in 10 minutes.  In the terminal itself, there is quiet and 6 windows are functioning.

06:25 A large angry group of about 30 people who came out from the terminal, told us that they were taken into a “room with mirrors” and searched them for about 30 minutes.  Another 4 people turned to us with a similar story:  their sons, ages 20-28, are also stopped every day at the checkpoint and are delayed for about half an hour until they are released, without a reason for why they were stopped.  Lately we have heard a number of stories like this.

07:00 – Shaked-Tura Checkpoint

The checkpoint is open and people come out slowly to the Seamline Zone.  Cars pass without delay from two directions.  Children are still on vacation, until Sunday.

they were taken into a “room with mirrors” and searched them for about 30 minutes.  Another 4 people turned to us with a similar story:  their sons, ages 20-28, are also stopped every day at the checkpoint and are delayed for about half an hour until they are released, without a reason for why they were stopped.  Lately we have heard a number of stories like this.07:00 – Sha checkpoint is open and people come out slowly to the Seamline Zone.  Cars pass without delay from two directions.  Children are still on vacation, until Sunday.