Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan

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Elia Levi (who deals with problems of crossing permits with dedication) and Ruthi Tuval (Reporting and photos)
מחסום טורה: ארבעה פועלים עוברים בשרוול בשעת השיא של המחסום
Tura checkpoint: four workers pass through the checkpoint in the heat of the day.
Ruti tuval
מחסום טורה: ארבע נשים עוברות בשרוול לכיוון הגדה
Tura Checkpoint: four women pass down the sleeve toward the West Bank.
Ruti Tuval

15:40 – Tura – Shaked Checkpoint

Workers are returning from work and families are going to the West Bank and in the opposite direction.  Our acquaintance, K., informed us that the explosions that we were hearing from the direction of Tura were celebrations or just fireworks. He told us that the checkpoint opened a half hour late in the morning and that crossing was slow and irritating.

16:50 – Yaabed – Dotan Checkpoint

Two soldiers were atop the pillbox and flags were flying.  It appeared that an air-conditioner had been installed.  A lot of cars were going past without being delayed.  Two soldiers -a man and woman - crossed the road carrying two garbage cans to the large container.  As they crossed the traffic stopped – a rather amusing sight.  Some of the drivers stopped to greet us, wave, and talk with Elia. 

On our way back to Reihan – Barta’a checkpoint we stopped by two soldiers who were standing near the armored vehicle at the yellow gate leading to the Yaabed shortcut.  We wanted to find out if the young woman walking towards Emricha had passed them.  They told us that it was possible to cross along the dirt road alongside the checkpoint and that they had seen her. She was too young to have an ID and was sitting next to the checkpoint to wait for a taxi.  We asked them how they felt about a young girl having to pass strange soldiers who did not speak her language, but they answered politely that they could not answer such questions.

17:20 – Reihan – Barta’a Checkpoint, Palestinian side

The parking lot was still very crowded.  A lot of drivers were sitting next to the new metal structure that was still not being used and waiting for passengers.  We were told that permits had been taken from workers without any apparent reason, and that it was noticeable.  We met our friend B. from the carpet factory.  He still works 10 hours a day, but many workers had been fired from his factory, for economic reasons, and in many other factories as well.