Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked
5:40 Rihan-Barta'a checkpoint
Many workers who had crossed the checkpoint are waiting for transportation to the Seam Line zone.
On the Palestinian side, surprise – there is no line. No one is waiting. Following the crowding and the tough sites in recent morning' it appears that the Palestinian guards are keeping thing in order. One collects parking fee while other are overlooking the line. All cross over quickly and car are parked in an orderly fashion.
A Palestinian acquaitant tells us that he was delayed for half an hour at the yabed-D0tan checkpoint.
Problems at the merchandise checkpoint : It opens late, refrigerating trucks are not allowed in. Drivers come early and wait a long time. We recommend to watch this checkpoint.
6:50 Tura-Shaked checkpoint
Soldiers arrive walking to the checkpoint that is due to open at 6:30. They appear tired and of course do not apologize for being late.
Ten more minutes go bye for getting ready for opening. Workers waiting outside are in a hurry to get to work. The waiting is annoying and they appear angry
A young fellow says: "What is that, Am I not a human being? Can't I wear a clean shirt? Am I not allowed to bring a Holiday gift?" Does it endanger the security of Israel or sheer meanness?
Words such as excuse me, please, apologizing are not in the dictionary.
07:30 We left