Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Shosh Fried, Hannah Hellerץ. Chana Stein translating.

06:10 Barta’a checkpoint

A steady, but not crowded, stream of people comes up from the terminal, passes to the upper parking lot, which is also not quite full. It seems there are fewer people, but our acquaintance B. tells us that on Monday they started operating the new gateway, which lets more people into the terminal. Although inside the terminal nothing has changed, exiting seems quick. Five windows are working and next to the single turnstile at the exit there is a queue.

06:50 Turah checkpoint

The checkpoint opened only at 06:45. Exit from the checkpoint to the seamline zone is very slow, and those who come out tell us angrily that already for a long period the checkpoint has not been opened on time. The checking itself is slow, and one man told us that when they complained about the late opening, the answer was, “So what? Is this your father’s checkpoint?” Many cars wait at the entrance to the checkpoint on the West Bank side. Only at 07:15 were they all through.