Fuqeiqis - settlers pave a road on private Palestinian land

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya
הבאגר הסולל והחיילים

Today we passed by a small village of Fuqeiqis located near the settlement Negohot and met Rana. Negohot settlers continue to pave the road under military supervision which they  began to pave several months agoThe new way will connect Negohot A to Negohot BIbrahim, Rana's uncle, tried to stop the bulldozer / bagger so that the work would be stopped, but the soldiers who were there pushed him away and his leg was injuredIn addition, to make it clear who controls the area, a settler from Negohot often comes near their home with his  entire herd and enjoys staying there to graze his sheep in their lands. The settler shepherd feeds his flocks on the vegetation which grows near their home and thins the pastures of the Fuqeiqis pastures.

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