'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tayba-Rummana, Tura-Shaked
Barta'a Checkpoint, 06:15
In the Palestinian parking lot, there is a line of people waiting to enter the terminal. The line moves relatively to how many booths are open inside. If the line moves slowly than only two booths, out of the six or eight, are open. Recently, the checkpoint managers did not bother to open more inspection booths, the line became longer and longer and the crowd of people became unruly and angry.
Today things are different. We have to look twice and remind ourselves that this relaxed and comforting reality is the routine of occupation. We marvel at the sight of the Palestinian security guards wearing their black uniforms and armed with clubs and tear gas canisters to maintain order. We marvel at how long it took the Palestinian authorities to find a way to profit from the occupation and to pocket money that belongs to their brethren. It is depressing to see how the Palestinians at the checkpoint meekly surrender and accept the security guards and the fee they must pay them in order to get to work on time.
A'anin Checkpoint 06:30
The soldiers arrived on time. It is always surprising when they do so because it is not always the case. Residents of A'anin now receive permits to cross at other checkpoints that are open every day. We would not be surprised if this checkpoint that opens only twice each week closes. It is hard to believe that the occupiers will be generous and let people choose which checkpoint they prefer to cross: from here, from Barta'a, or from Tura.
Tura Checkpoint, 07:10
Heaven only knows why the checkpoint opens at 07:30 on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and at 06:00 the rest of the week. At any rate the soldiers are seldom punctual and don't bother to arrive on time. "Do you think this is Switzerland?" is a common response. Walid, a resident of Tura, speaks to a cameraman and explains how he deals with the occupation in the morning by simply deciding not to get angry. He points to his heart and says that he doesn't want to get aggravated and be under pressure. It's not a good way to start the day.
07:50 Tibeh Romana Checkpoint
The soldiers arrived on time but did not open the checkpoint until 25 minutes later. One of the soldiers dozed in the jeep while the other was a bit more energetic. When more soldiers arrived, the checkpoint opened and everyone crossed within five minutes, except for one person who was sent back for reasons we did not know. The people who crossed pointed out that they preferred the soldiers to the policemen from the border patrol. According to them, they are "not good," to say the least.