Northern Checkpoints Barta`a: Illegals are willingly accepted inside Israel

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Neta Golan and Shuli Bar (reports, photos), Translation T.H
Barta’a Checkpoint – morning waiting line, standing and waiting together
Barta’a Checkpoint – morning waiting line, standing and waiting together
Shuli Bar
Photos:Barta’a Checkpoint – in the near future, the waiting line will pass through these cattle corrals. They will roast in the summer and freeze in winter
Photos:Barta’a Checkpoint – in the near future, the waiting line will pass through these cattle corrals. They will roast in the summer and freeze in winter
Shuli Bar

Barta’a Checkpoint

The usual, familiar morning waiting line at the entrance to the Barta’a Checkpoint. People wait in groups in the open air, passage pace shifts from slow to fast, there is only one functioning turnstile. Soon everyone will miss this. Soon the new installation will be in operation, containing four turnstiles and people led like cattle in crowded tracks in which one cannot move but only proceed one behind the other. Indeed in summer the sun will not blaze on them but the heat inside the metal shed will be unbearable.

Eyes wide shut: in the lower car park we see lively pedestrian traffic, headed for their place of work in the Israeli city of Harish. Most of them hold a transit permit only to Barta’a and not into Israel. But in this case the Occupation shuts its eyes forgivingly for Harish needs working hands, and these illegals possess such hands. Once in a blue moon the Border Police raids the Harish construction site and goes BOOO.


‘Anin Checkpoint: and where do you sleep at night?

The passers into the seam line zone are ceremoniously received by the Military Police and the DCO representative. Most of the inspection happens on line, finding out who did not sleep in his own bed last night, or put more simply: who exited this checkpoint in the morning and did not return through it in the afternoon. The conclusion is that this person did not spend this night in his own bed, although it is possible that the suspect exited Aneen checkpoint in the morning and returned through the Barta’a checkpoint in the evening, where passers into the West bank are not registered. The army knows that Aneen youngsters do not always leave for farm work, ever since the fashion police  turned on them. Suffice it to look at the junction before the checkpoint (400 meters) and see the contractors from Umm Al Fahm pick them up in their cars. They certainly are not on their way to paint Tel Aviv red…

At the Toura Shaked Checkpoint there are maximum inspection installations and minimum people passing through

Why is that? Who does this serve?

Tayibe Roumana Checkpoint

Farmers and non-farmers cross here to nearby Umm Al Fahm, each to his own errands.