Khalet Makhul - Fencing by a settler was made on privately-owned Palestinian land

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Rakefet and Rachel A. (report), Tal Haran (translate)

We accompanied Yusef, at Khalet Makhul

We began by measuring the new area that was fenced in by Asa’el of the illegal colonist outpost of “Asa’el”, north of this area. The fencing was made on privately-owned Palestinian land south of the Kfir army base, inside the grazing ground of the Samra shepherds. The colonist fenced in an area of about 50x50 meters as well as leading a water pipe to it from the vineyard of the nearby colony of Eli. While we measured the place, the colonist arrived with another two on an ATV. Now he is in the midst of his work. At the end of the day, the water pipe and tanker in the middle were already in place. Unlike Moshe, he does not talk nor exert violence. He works quietly. He saw me photographing and spoke in my place, saying “And I am an occupying colonist”. Or something of that nature.

We began grazing at 10 a.m. and were back at noon. Very little greenery had just begun to show in the ground that received some rain this week. Yes, the shepherds have received seeds of wheat and barley and are sowing them at present.

Later we drove on to Maskiyot colony, situated on the hill east of the road, opposite the En Hilwa community which is on the west, below. I have gotten used to seeing Maskiyot from En Hilwa. This time it’s the other way around. On the hilltop, control of the area is perfect. One sees every single movement.

We came to check whether the tractors that were confiscated two days earlier, which we saw in the photos taken by Nava and Daphne, were taken into the colony. They were no longer there. They must have been taken to an army site where confiscations are kept.

We continued and I shared the content of the car with families at Khalet Makhul. We had an art class with a kindergarten girl who does not attend kindergarten.