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We arrived at 6:45 to find that the usual post was not occupied. Soldiers were standing near the taxis,toward Jerusalem. The wall has been extended:near the mosque there is a cement wall,with a very narrow passage to the mosque.on the otherside, toward A-tur, the wall blocks all entrances to the little alleys.The soldiers seemed to be tired and not attentive,so most people past without even being checked. Two peddlers, with plastic bags, were called to stop. One of them stopped, all his bags checked and the other one ran away.the soldiers tried to chase him, but did not find him. At the end of our shift, we noticed some commotion up the hill. One man approached us. With tears he told us that his neighbor just had a heart attack and died half an hour ago and that the alley was blocked on both sides and an ambulance won't be able to get through. His body was in the alley covered with a blanket. When we approached the soldiers, they were already calling a tractor to lift the cement barricade (they mentioned that they were human too). The neighbors could not get hold of an ambulance so we called the moked to see if they could help. We left when they were still waiting for an ambulance and the cement barriacade lifted.