The morning of the third day of Id el Fitr was very quite at Abu-Dis. We observed a soldier at the open space left from the observation station who looked like he was going to shoot somebody. We applied a "quite response" of CPT (Christian Peacemakers Team) and asked very politely if the soldier was hunting somebody. He said that he just observes people who bypass through the snipers lunette. We told him it looks very frightening and he immediately stopped doing it. Other border police soldiers were busy closing a slit in a wall by barbed wire and a young Palestinian was detained near by. We learned that he was on his way to Al Maqased hospital to take home his wife with a newborn baby. Soldiers checked his ID and ordered him to go back. We started persistent negotiations and one of the soldiers agreed that we will bring from Al Maqased a written document from doctors that his wife is really there. We drove to the hospital and in the obstetrics department found the happy father who managed to arrive there before us by an other bypass.