Magnetic Card | Machsomwatch
אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר

Magnetic Card

The Israeli Civil Administration issues a magnetic cardinfo-icon, which serves as a second biometric identity card for adult Palestinian residents, and the identity card issued by the Palestinian Authority.

Since 2005, the magnetic strip on the card displays biometric data on the computer that identifies its owner based on facial features, fingerprints, and palm.
Anyone who needs to enter Israel for any purpose, even for a one-time visit, needs a magnetic card to get the permit (except in cases of humanitarian needs). In 2019, the administration ordered magnetic cards to be issued also to children and babies soon after their birth.
There are periods when there are long lines at the DCO (District Coordination Office) to start the procedure of obtaining a magnetic card or renewing it. Then many Palestinians are forced to return to the DCO week after week because they are not accepted and thus lose whole weeks of work. The magnetic card is issued for 4 years.