Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Disturbances (demonstrations), Membership/activity in unauthorized association

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Roni Hammermann, Tova Szeintuch (reporting)

Judge: Major Merav Hershkovitz

Investigator: Ihab Halabi

Defense: Judd Kadmani, Maamoun Hashim


Remand extension of two detaineesinfo-icon.


Fadi Jamal Mussa Darwish – ID 90766820

Attys. Kadmani and Hashim standing in for Firas Sabag.


This is Darwish’s third remand extension.

He was arrested on 5.5.19 and was barred from seeing counsel until May 11.

He has been in detention for 23 days.

Darwish is suspected of conspiracy to commit a crime, membership and activity and aiding a hostile organization.


The investigator requests 10 additional days to complete the investigation.

From questions raised by Atty. Kadmani we gather that Darwish is suspected of being a member of Hamas.

He has already undergone 2 polygraph tests – with his full cooperation – and failed both, according to the investigator. He does not plead guilty. Most of the information is included in the secret file.


Defense summation: We oppose the remand extension. The respondent demands that the investigators present credible evidence.


The investigator says that the evidence is not forensic, just the polygraph test and other items. He adds that the detainee is familiar with interrogation procedures.


The defense counters that the detainee’s past does not imply that he poses danger today. He had undergone a harsh, intensive interrogation. The defense moves to release him under limiting conditions.


Judge Hershkovitz’s summation:

I have examined the file and the secret reports. I find credible suspicions there…

On the other hand, the investigation has been going on for 23 days now and needs to come to a conclusion.

Remand extension for 4 days.


Abd Alhamid Yihye Alhamid Ayash – ID 401881016


Suspected of participation in disturbances [demonstrations], trading in combat materiel and organizational activity.

The investigator requests a 10-day extension.

There is an agreement between the two sides: 8-day remand extension, then transferring the file to the prosecution.