Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Sun 10.5.09, Afternoon

Translation: Tal H.
15:00 Tapuach/Za'tara Junction Checkpoint
No cars waiting in lines for inspection. A Palestinian service taxi is being inspected by a sniffer-dog in the central lot, its passengers waiting on the side.
15:15 Huwwara Checkpoint
Active X-ray truck, DCO representative - Adham.
Relatively short waiting time at the men's lines. No detainees. Vehicle traffic sparse.
No special shouting. And the banal evil rampant as ever: a young but severely limping man is driven away from the special side line back to the 'normal' men's lines;
two girls, studying nursing in Nablus, forgot their IDs at home, and are not allowed through to proceed to their homes in Hebron and Ramallah.
We called and reported to the army hotline that promised to look into it.
16:30 Beit Furiq Checkpoint
Both exiting and entering vehicles are being random-checked.
A concrete slab at the entrance to the compound has a colorful Hassidic graffiti - emblematic and definitely non-military...
We left early on our way back into Israel.