Eyal Crossing, 'Anabta, Te'enim Crossing, Mon 14.9.09, Morning
06:40 Eyal Passage
A spatter of workers leave the installation. Workers are still waiting for transportation and drivers are waiting for the workers who have not yet come out . All are complaining about the pressure, the X-ray machine and the problems concerning the food. One of the workers suggests that if all would unite and refuse to go out to work in Israel, Israel would have no choice but to improve the conditions. He says these things but knows there is no chance of this happening.
We went around the installation to see the entry of the workers. At this hour there weren't many. One of the workers say that he had stayed just 5 minuteds in the installation.
We returned by way of the Zofim CP and entered the Kalkilya CP at which we seemed to have awakened the soldiers who were sleeping on the watch tower. The passage there is completely free.
07:25 Ras Atiya
We retun to Ras Atiya by way of the Eliyahu Passage in order to show our guest the system of fences and enclaves.
Some workers and vehicles are being checked at the gate and at the magnometer. Because of the winter standard time there are still no children going to school.
08:00 We knew that the main entrance to Zoun was blocked so we tried to enter by way of Izbat Tabib, but found there too a massive blockage of earth and rocks on the refurbished road from the garage of Izbat Tabib to Azoun. We continued to the main entrance to Azoun from road no. 55 and there they even enlarged and elevated the blockage.
Soldiers in two Hummers parked at the entrance and tried to remove us from there. They explained to two Palestinians, who probably were not inhabitants of the village, that in order to enter the village they had to climb on the rampart. To us they explained that it was for our good that the village was blocked….and that if stones would be thrown on us we would talk differently.
09:30 Figs Passage
The first reaction to our request that the gate should be opened for us was a complete refusal, but when we insisted the gate was opened without problems.
At gate 753 there is not much activity.
On the way back Abu Hatem's wife told us that he is hospitalised with problems with his head.
09:50 We are on our way home.