Hebron, Wed 9.9.09, Morning

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Zipi and Noga (reporting)

Ran, Guest
Naomi S., Trans.


The city is busier today than it's been in some time now… many children on their way to school. The paratroopers, in their regular positions, seem relatively unemployed.
We met with Zipi's son and visited his studio, where he edits the films he shoots in Hebron. He told us that yesterday he's visited with one of the families in town in order to film such a meeting, when suddenly, as he arrived there, some policemen arrived as well, to detain one of the family members on account of a complaint of assault filed against him at the Hebron police by one of the settlers. Several hours later, he was released. He also told us that a few days earlier, at around midnight, he identified a group of settlers walking around with shovels, or some such working tools. As the scene seemed rather suspicious, he approached the police, but as soon as they arrived to the area, the group disbanded.
We moved on the northern end of Tel-Rumeidah (i.e., above Tel-Rumeidah), finding there a grove of very old and heave olive trees, belonging to a Palestinian family. A pretty sight.
Last: at the entry to Kiryat Arba, there is a signpost announcing "KKL" (Israel fund for lands). It says something about some development works done there, to the residents' benefit. This signpost adds on to my puzzle, concerning some other forested areas in the South Hebron mount are – e.g. next to Tawwanni – which seem to have been planted by KKL. Isn't KKL committed to operate exclusively within the green line (pre-1967 Israeli boarder)? Apparently not.