'Azzun, Deir Sharaf, Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Ras 'Atiya, Sun 11.10.09, Afternoon
14:35 Ras Atiya
Several meters before Ras Atiya there was a flying checkpoint, 4 soldiers and spikes across the road, the soldiers asked us where we were going and passed us with no fuss.
At the entrance to Ras Atiya after standing there for several minutes, 3 soldiers approached us, looking more curious and wanting to make conversation. The time we were there it was very quiet a donkey and cart were the only passers.
15:05 Azzun
Still closed, as high as the mound is, the pedestrians have found a small path to cross over.
15:15 Jit
The Olive Press is open, so the olive picking season is officially open.
15:25 Deir Sharaf
There are 4 soldiers all standing together at one side, taking no notice to the vehicles that are going in the direction of Nablus, on the way out, there is a bus that has been pulled over, the passengers are standing out side the bus on the side of the road.
16:00 Shaarei Efraim Terminal
There is a long line of mostly men, as we approach, we see that there is only one booth opened, as I begin to phone, they open another booth, and the line begins to move, although even two booths are not sufficient for the amount of people arriving at the same time. The people comment that the mornings are even worse than the afternoons.