Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Sun 27.12.09, Morning
By the time we arrivered, all workers had already been checked and the sleeve was full with prisoners' families being checked. We saw a long line of workers in the inner yard, where cars are usually checked through. Were they late-comers, checked simultaneously with the families? We counted 3 busses of prisoners' families.
On our way back 5 buses, full with families, were still waiting in the Israeli parking lot.
Route 60
Dura Alfawwar, Sheep Junction and other paths toward the main road were open for cars. Children walked on the side of the road on their way to school.
Quite and almost empty, only the soldiers on their posts watching.
Pharmacy CP: The last boys passed through, on their way to the near-by school. Two peace activists were counting the people passing and listing, on a different list those who were checked. Only few were checked.
We climbed up the Shuhada Rd. to the old cemetery. No one was there.
Patriarchs' Cave: as well as the Gutnick center were deserted and quiet.
The way back on route 60 was also smooth and uneventful.