Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Tarqumiya, Wed 30.12.09, Morning
translated by Naomi S.
At 6:40, there are no workers under the shade on the Palestinian side. It is forecasted to rain today, so agriculture workers appear to have not arrived. On the Israeli side, some of the workers await their shuttles.
Route 317-356
Heavy fog – it's impossible to see anything even a meter on. Children walk on the sideway to school. It is really dangerous.
Golani soldiers are gone. Now it is Shimshon Troopers, of the Kfir Brigade, at every juncture and checkpoint. Children walk to school and there are no detainees at any CP.
At the Pharmacy CP we are told that, three days ago, at 8pm, there was an incident between the soldiers who manned the CP and a boy and his father from a near-by house. The boy and his father were arrested. The Palestinians didn't want to use our help in finding out what happened. The soldiers manning the CP now don't tell us what happened on their fellows-soldiers' shift.
Hebron is foggy and heavy, Anat Cohen (an especially troublesome settler; NS) didn't bother us this time round.
That's it – uneventful, occupation routine.
Route 35
Heavy fog.
At the grocery store, we're told that, twice daily, they get surprise check-up calls from the pillbox – each lasting about 15-20mins: IDs checked and released. As the young man there says: we've accustomed.
Tarquimiya: a long queue of commercial vehicles checked at the CP – the person in charge tells us that the drivers are East-Jerusalem drivers who work on behalf of Palestinian merchants within Israel. But the drivers do no complain and the checkup is quickly over.