Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Tue 5.1.10, Morning
Trans: Bracha B.A.
The checkpoint was already packed at 7am. Three busses with prisoners’ families are waiting to be checked. The families are waiting under the shed and everything goes smoothly.
Route 60
It is very foggy and the road is very dangerous because children are walking to school along the roadside, and it is almost impossible to see them. We were very happy to see that the roadblock opposite Mount Masnoch – where the battalion headquarters are located – has been removed! We saw few military vehicles on the road.
The morning rush is as usual. Children walk to school. Soldiers stand in the alleyways in front of Curve 160 near the Prayers' Route. At Curve 160 there are many soldiers, but they don't detain anyone.
Pharmacy Checkpoint: children walk through the magnometer without delay and are neither stopped nor checked by hand. Many soldiers milling about along Shuhada Street. Anat Cohen was not yet noticed, and people from the CPT (peace activists) say that the soldiers from the Shimshon Brigade behave well.
Tel Romeida Checkpoint: there are many soldiers here but they neither do anything nor detain anyone. We didn’t see anyone detained at any other checkpoint either. The policemen next the Patriarchs' Cave greeted us and looked pleased when we left. Nothing happens on the Zion Route. Apparently it will remain closed permanently.
As usual, we drank tea at our “office” in the metal shop in the Kafisha neighborhood.
The despairing routine of the occupation continues.