'Anabta, Habla, Jubara (Kafriat), Ras 'Atiya, Mon 1.2.10, Morning
06:30 Agricultural Gate Habla The gates are shut and there are no soldiers. Beyond the fences we see people waiting. On the path between the plant nurseries an armoured car arrives, a girl-soldier opens the gate, the armoured car passes and disappears on the security road. 06:35 We phone the Center. They will investigate… 06:40 Soldiers arrive, they make arrangements for themselves… 06:50 The first three workmen enter the installation, the next three take off their belts while they are still outside, to speed up the passage. After 5 minutes the first three come out. Until 07:05 6 people passed. They complain very much about the slowness of the soldiers. On the other side of the fence about 40 people are waiting, with cars and carts. We turn to the CP commander and complain about the delay in opening the gate and the slowness of the checking. He claims that the opening hours of the CP have been changed and that the Palestinians were notified about it. The new opening hours are: Morning 06:45-08:15, Noon 11:15:12:15, Evening 16:45-18:30. The Palestinians complained a lot about the irregular opening hours in the evening and ask us to come as much as possible in the evening. 07:30 The CP commander goes to the checking installation and a short time later lets people pass at the gate manually, while all the time there are people who pass also through the installation. Many workmen pass. 07:55 We leave the place. Only few people are left. 08:15 Ras Atiya About 15 people wait to leave the village. A few cars wait to enter it. A military policewoman checks the entering persons strictly but politely. She is interested to know who we are, the soldier says – a humanitarian organisation – and this is pleasant to hear. A group of workmen who have work permits for fencing at Alfei Menashe, but for some reason have no passage permits for this CP, are not allowed to leave the village. The matter is being handled by the DCO. 08:45 On the security road an Israeli car arrives at full speed and stops with screeching brakes near the soldiers. An Israeli citizen with an Uzi (or something similar…) hanging on his body gets out of the car, screams at the soldiers, screams at the Palestinians to enters their waiting car. And the two cars, without any checking, disappear in a cloud of dust on the security road – The masters of the land!!!! 10:00 Anabta The traffic light in the direction of Anabta is red, but there are no soldiers and the traffic flows. We see from afar, near the watchtower, a police jeep and a soldiers with a dog, and approach them to see. A Palestinian taxi driver has stopped near the red traffic light and is afraid to continue. Immediately a queue of at least 10 cars is formed. The policemen pass and don't bother to tell the taxi driver that he may drive on as there is no checking, and the soldier re-enters the watchtower although he sees the queue. An Israeli driver who waits in the queue decides that one may drive on, and the queue dissolves. 10:30 We arrive at the Fig Passage (Jubara). I stand in the queue and we undergo a very thorough checking by a policewoman without any sense of humour, who sticks to all the rules and regualtions, including getting out of the car, lifting the rug in the trunk etc.