Hebron, Sun 21.3.10, Morning

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Ra'aya J. and Yael (reports)

Translated by Naomi S.


At the entrance to the city, on the hill opposite Ramat Mimre (the Mimre Plateau), the tiny stronghold stands. It seems that the three wooden caravans are there to stay. We noticed also some sort of enclosed shed on top of the hill – perhaps a synagogue. At the entrance to the city, there are many signposts calling to stop "Obama's Intifadah."

Curve 160 Checkpoint

While we pass through in our vehicle, we saw a military jeep stop; two soldiers got off it and entered a near-by Palestinian house, as if intending to attack (they seemed to be doing something in the "built-area combat" style). When we dismounted our vehicle to see what was going on, the "onslaught" was already over and one of the soldiers told us they did it as practice. I thought they "practice" in their camps, not at the entrance to Palestinian homes.

The soldiers, of the Kfir Brigade, were rather keen on talking, wishing to explain to us how they perceive their presence in Hebron. Among other things, they told us that there's a internal psychiatric decree, within the Border Police, according to which PB soldiers' cannot be positioned in Hebron for over a year (lest their tender souls are harmed…)