Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Wed 18.2.09, Morning
Summary: Military and police cars were scarce while more Palestinian cars were seen on the main roads.
6.40 Checkups are over, and there is no one left on the Palestinian side. Some vehicles still expect passengers. At the parking lot, there are four buses, awaiting prisoners' families' to arrive. On our way back they were no longer there.
Road 60
Samoa: The gate towards No. 60 is open.
Dura El-Fawar: Open for cars in both directions, though only a few actually crossed over.
Sheep Junction: Open for cars in both directions, but empty.
Shuyukh–Sair: Several girls walked through on their way to school.
No military presence on the crossroads. Very quite, only children walking to school. No soldiers along Shuhada st.
Pharmacy CP: only several boys left, walking quickly through to school.
Tarpat CP: A police car at the CP, checking the documentation of people crossing over, to H2 area.
Tel Rumeyda: A couple of soldiers watch the people walk down the road unchecked.
Road 317
Zif Junction: The gate was open and several taxis crossed.
On the whole the way is empty, and no special events were noted.