Beit 'Inun, Beit Ummar, Bethlehem, Nabi Yunis, Mon 30.8.10, Morning
07:00 am, Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300: three positions open. A fourth has just opened. Long lines (about 30 people) at each position. The Palestinians say many are still waiting outside, that crossing is very slow and many have been waiting since early in the morning. I phoned the humanitarian office. People had said that the entry gate to the crossing is closed and opened intermittently. There's great anger: "This isn't a crossing, it's a barrier." They think it's the worst checkpoint on the West Bank.
07:30 am, Husan: a taxi driver said to us that Israeli workers told them they have to pave the entry road to Husan and the one going down to El Hadr - it's a dirt road below Route 60.
08:00 am, Beit Ummar: no activity.
09:00 am, Nabi Yunis: paperwork.
Beit 'Inun: we continued to Beit 'Inun. Access to the village on the east side of Route 50 has been opened; access on the west side of the road has been completely blocked with large concrete blocks, right at the turn from Route 60.
Grapes are ripening in the vineyards, the sea squills are blossoming and the Occupation continues.