Eyal Crossing, Eliyahu Crossing, Habla, Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Mon 31.5.10, Afternoon
Translation: Galia S.
15:00 – Cars that arrive slow down by force of habit but pass without being stopped. The tower is manned by a soldier.
The village of Shufa
15:10 – The village is resting in the heat of the day. Youths passing by, in answer to our question, say that the school has electricity. However, it's not quite clear whether the air-conditioners work. On our way we have a cup of tea with a few very nice women sitting next to one of the houses. We ask about problems and they talk mainly about being cut off from the nearby village of Isbet Shufa because of the road to the settlement of Avne Hefets. In addition to being separated from a village they have had close relationship with, they have also been cut off from the direct road to Tulkarm, forcing them to drive through Anabta.
15:45 – A few minutes after we get here, many people are starting to arrive. Nevertheless, the passage is quick but many of them say that the morning was very difficult. To our question, they say that not every afternoon is alright like today's.