Hebron, Tarqumiya, Mon 24.5.10, Morning
Translation: Bracha B.A.
Several workers are returning from Israel although it is 10:00am. One of them complained, explaining that they waited for over an hour at the checkpoint this morning and so, were late to work. We called Tzion, who said that they were doing the utmost to ensure that people get through quickly but that there would always be complaints. He said he'd be willing to talk to us either then or at any later time, so this time we went on to Hebron.
At the entrance to Kiryat Arba the young man in the inspection booth demanded that we pull over and show our ID cards. He then made a phone call to clarify or report us, and we shouted at him that we were leaving and drove away. Who is he and under whose authority is he there?
On the hill to the right there are still four caravans and a car was parked nearby.
Bassem's store is still shut down as there is no work.
Curve 160: quiet and no one there.
Patriarchs' Cave: also quiet.
Children walk home from school even though it is only 11am.
The Pharmacy Checkpoint: Nachal soldiers positioned there refused to talk to us. It seems as if there are more people in the quiet streets.
Tarpat Checkpoint: a bored soldier.
Tel Romeida: the soldiers smile at us and are aware that we are there to observe them. It appears that they are not checking anyone. All in all it is relatively quiet and sad.
At the humanitarian checkpoint there are some UN vehicles.