Burin (Yitzhar), Habla, Huwwara, Jit, Thu 16.9.10, Afternoon
Natanya translating.
Today at 24.00 the closure began in honour of Yom Kippur.
17.10 Huwwara checkpoint. Before the circle at the entrance of the checkpoint is a soldier in the sentry tower. The checkpoint today is decorated with fliers on which is written, “ I ask for my brother” and in the second “We return to Joseph.” In the middle is a decoration (picture) of the grave of Joseph. A childish drawing and a long line of signatures of little girls “The inheritance of Tzvi girls” (?) These writings including that of new criticisms of the freezing process hang as usual on the fence of the checkpoint. Here they are displayed to one and all by the soldiers of the IDF who are the guards. There is a strong flow of traffic to Nablus. A car with Israeli license plates is checked at the entrance by the soldiers. 4 soldiers keep a watchful eye on the cars leaving Nablus. ]
17.20 A flying CP at Burin & road 60. When we were on our way to Huwwara we did not see an army presence but now there is a jeeps there and on both sides of the road are members of the army. At the top of the hill opposite the entrance to Yizthar are two soldiers.
16.30 The crossroads of Jit. An army command car is parked at the crossroads. A little after the village of Jit at the eastern side of Kedumiem near to road 55 an armed soldier watches and speaks on the communication device.
17.50 The Habla checkpoint. at the entrance to the village are 4 armed soldiers. Palestinians stand and wait their turn to go into the rooms where they are checked. They are already used to this procedure. All 5 go in. The commander of the checkpoint tries to stop us from photographing and says, “Here are secret affairs”. Afterwards he says that in another minute he will close. A truck comes to the checkpoint.